Our work in the community
We are a local group of volunteers who aim to promote the health and wellbeing of the Reading community by helping individuals in times of need, improving the local environment, and supporting Reading based community groups and local charities. Every penny raised goes into our community projects. Our aim is to serve the people of Reading and make a difference.
SAVING LIVES with our Prostate Cancer Awareness programme: With one man every hour dying from prostate cancer and 40,000 new cases diagnosed every year the Lions Club of Reading aims to provide an awareness event and free PSA blood test to as many men over 45 as possible who chose to take the test. More...
FOOD HEROES: We collect food donations every week and deliver these to local food banks, for distribution. More...
We are well known for our distribution of Message in a Bottle bottles. A simple scheme to assist people living alone or those that are vulnerable to keep vital medical information in a safe place. More...
HELPING INDIVIDUALS IN NEED: We answer calls for assistance from individuals and families in genuine need. It could be something simple like needing a few food vouchers at a difficult time or involve complex needs such as specialist medical and support equipment. Contact: communityservices@readinglions.org.uk if you need help.
Our Easter Egg Campaign
A very big thank you to everyone who donated chocolate eggs, in partnership with Access Storage Reading. We collected more than 100 Easter Eggs from Access Reading to deliver to needy families. Click here to learn more about this 'egg-ceptional' campaign.
Each year we collect and recycle thousands of unwanted spectacles.
Working with local Reading opticians. More...
CARING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: We have adopted a green space to keep clean and tidy so that everyone can enjoy the area. More.
SANTA and his helpers bringing cheer to the streets of Reading. Santa brings seasonal cheer to thousands of local children and parents during the three weeks he visits the streets of Reading with Reading Lions Charity.
SUPPORTING OTHER GROUPS: We support other local charities and community events, such as collecting for the Royal British Legion for its Poppy Appeal, supporting the Marie Curie Daffodil appeal with collectors, and providing ongoing marshalling support for a local Covid Vaccination Centre in Tilehurst.
If you know of a local community service project that may need our help then please contact us, or email secretary@readinglions.org.uk We also answer calls for assistance from private local families / individuals
- We have adopted a local green space in the center of Reading at County Lock.
- Helping to prepare and serve Christmas lunch to Southcote pensioners.
- Providing food vouchers to local needy families for Christmas.
- Supporting a young local couple with funds towards a replacement wheelchair.
- We donated funds to a local special needs school for young boys with emotional, behavioural and social disorders.
- Funding a short respite break for a single parent and his disabled child.
- Helping to fund specialist equipment at Brookfields Special School in Tilehurst.
- Sponsored six months children's entertainment at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.
- Provided a new dishwasher for a cancer unit at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.
- a contribution towards three defibrillators in the Reading area including at two schools
- a contribution towards the cost of a powered scooter for a disabled person
- six months entertainment at a children's ward at the RBH
- new beds for a single Mum fleeing domestic violence and moving to unfurnished accommodation
- delivered more than 900 message in a bottles to local health centers and community centres
- provided a washing machine and food vouchers for a needy family
- made a donation towards a sleep-over respite care for severely disabled children
- made a donation towards and specialist motorised wheelchair for a disabled young lady
- new toys for a special needs pre school
- made a donation to a local primary school for a specialist chair for a disabled pupil
- provided a new dishwasher for the Urology Department at the RBH.
- awarded more than £50,000 in small grants to local community groups / small local charities as part of our 'Lions Den' programme.
And its comments like this that make it all worthwhile:
"I'm absolutely delighted to hear that you will be funding a new sound system for our children's hospice, thank you so much for your generous support".
Our International Efforts: Lions Clubs are also members of an international network of men and women who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities across the world.
Lions have been carrying out community service in a very wide range of areas since their formation in 1917. This community service is carried out mainly at local level but also at wider national and international levels. Visit for more detail.